Monday, September 29, 2008


Last night we got to see an illusionist, his name Brock Gill. Very interesting stuff, I must admit. The cool part is that he ties everything in with the message of Christ. Now being that he is a Christian does make it a little easier for me to think that he is not crazy or lost his mind. The guys pretty much placed death and chance in the same hand. So to Brock Gill I say thanks for doing what you do and making this all a little less confusing. Most of all thanks for sharing the message of Christ to students in a clear and relevant way. Also because I know that Brock frequently visits my blog, I would really like to be one of your illusions. Not in the illusion but be one. So thanks!


-Billy said...

i am so mad i missed that little Riggs told me it was so amazing and that it was awesome to see kid have the faith to walk out to except salvation

Bekah Jo said...

I didn't know you were guys were going to that. I was supposed to help with some people that used to go to Immersed, but I ended up out of town. I was sad to miss it.